Student Engagement: K-2nd Grade
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Classroom Management
Relationship Building

“Fostering strong relationships can be as easy as remembering your ABCs.”

Join Lori Kremer to grow your library of strategies for sparking engagement in even the youngest of learners.



Lori shared with us her ABCs of Fostering Positive Relationships with students: Appreciate each Student, Build a Bond, and Care. Through this introduction, we saw a number of examples of routines we may incorporate into our classroom. 

  • What is one routine you currently incorporate into your classroom that aligns with the ABCs of Fostering Positive Relationships?
  • What routines could you refine or build into your classroom in the future?


Explore these topics

Teaching with the Ungame

The Ungame was developed by Rhea Zakich in 1972 to foster communication within her family. On her website, she shares creative ways to incorporate this game into your classroom. 

Virtual Classroom Setup Ideas for Teachers at Home

Several of the strategies Lori shared incorporated the use of props, modeling, and routines/repetition. Take a look around at your physical teaching space and look for opportunities to make it work for you. Shaped, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s community-driven blog, recently shared some inspiration.